Humm… traveling oversea has become so difficult these days because of Pandemic.
I miss my home country. At least wants to watch streaming video.
What’s the best way to watch Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and Hulu from oversea? with minimum fee?
How about… NetflixVPN?
NetflixVPN? Never heard of it. What is it? Is this something to do with Netflix??
Actually NetflixVPN has absolutely nothing to do with Netflix.
Really?? I would have thought Netflix owned this Netflix.
No, no, they are just borrowing name from Netflix, but this VPN does it’s job when it comes to unblocking video steaming
Wow, that sounds interesting. Let’s review NetflixVPN then..!
【Excective Summary】
- NetflixVPN can actually unblock many steaming service.
- -> this is because they use residential IP Address for their VPN Server
- 1 month trial is avaialbe only for $4
- There is no dedicated VPN App so you need to download generic OpenVPN and configure it
- NetflixVPN is. not for network security but for unblocking video steaming
- NetflixVPN is small VPN provider so support is not the best like other major VPN competitor
NetflixVPN Hand on Review
Hi Everyone,
I have been using and reviewing NetflixVPN for quite sometime for the purpose of unblocking Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and Netflix.
So would like to share my thoughts and explain how to configure and use NetflixVPN
Geo Restriction issues
As you probably know watching video streaming contents from oversea is almost always restricted.
Yes. that’s sooo annoying 🙁
Here is an example using ExpressVPN watching domestic vide steaming.

When it comes to unblocking like.. Amazon Prime Video or Hulu, Major VPN provider something does’t work well because they are too famous.
They get blocked by online video providers.
NetflixVPN can unblock Amazon Prime Video and more
That’s exactly where NetflixVPN comes in. They are small VPN company based in East Europe. so NetflixVPN pretty much unmarked.

Don’t they get blocked by Amazon?
Well, that’s always a possibility but since they are using residential IP adr. I would think the possibility of getting blocked is very low.
Here are Pro and Cons for NetflixVPN
【NetflixVPN Pro】
- You can try one month only for $4
- Very low cost yet can unblock almost all video steaming(Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix)
- It does its job for unblocking
【NetflixVPN Con】
- Configuing OpenVPN is a bit very tedious
- Security is always a concern. NetflixVPN is for unblocking video steaming not for network security
- It’s a very small company, support won’t be as good as
- Once you sign up, all you get is just access to VPN server. Their service is bare minimum. That’s why cost is very low.
- VPN connection goes slow when
If you are mainly interested in watching Amazon Primary Video from oversea then I’d strongly recommend trying SmartDNSProxy.
They provide very stable connecting and can watch Prime Video on any devices. Including, PC/Mac, SmartPhone(Android, iPhone), AmazonFireTVStick, FireTablet)
Here is the screenshot of Amazon Prime Video with NetflixVPN
This is an example of unblocking Amazon Japan Prime video with NetflixVPN from Australia.
Of course NetflixVPN can unblock Amazon in other countries too.

How to Sign up NetflixVPN
1. Jump to NetflixVPN then click on Sign in button.

2. Enter sign in detail and click on Sign up button.
【Point of Note】 Log in credential(email and password) here will be used to log in VPN Server for NetflixVPN.

3.Once you sign up you will received this welcome e-mail.
”Welcome and thanks for trying out NetflixVPN!
Your VPN
Please click on the link below to verify your email address.”
4. ..and this is the very screen you will see once you sign in. I actually got very shocked when I saw it first time because I had no idea what is was.

In this main dashboard(Client Area) you can do many things
- Purchase a plan
- Check expirations of purchased plan
- Node List(A list of active VPN Server List)
You will come back to main dashboard a lot.
5. Okay. So first you need to purchase a plan.
1 month | $4.00 | max. 2 device for concurent VPN Connection |
6 month | $20.00 | max. 2 device for concurent VPN Connection |
1 years | $30.00 | max. 2 device for concurent VPN Connection |
2 years | $50.00 | max. 2 device for concurent VPN Connection |
If you are not sure you can give a try 1 month only for $4 and how it goes.
6. So you choose a plan.

7. Then make a payment

8. Then..guess what. After you make a payment thing happens
nothing happens?
..but don’t worry. you just need to check the “Expire Time” of the plan you have just purchased.
That should be updated with the correct timestamp.

Oh really? That’s all?
Remember, NetflixVPN is bare minimum, but works very when it comes to unblocking Amazon Prime Video etc from oversea.
How to configure NetflixVPN on Mac
1. Select Network from System Preference

2.Click on “+”(Plus) at the bottom left.

3.on the right screenm chose below from the pulldown
Service Name:NetFlixVPN(CiscoISec)
Click on ”Create” button.

4.Update connection detail
- 1.Server Address: From nodelist obtain the target server name. for example, in case of Japan
- 2.Account Name:e-mail address when you signed up for NetflixVPN
- 3.Password:password when you singed up for NetflixVPN.
Update these three info into the right side of the panel(See below)

5.Click on Authentication Settings
Update these values in below and click OK.
- Shared Secret: netflixvpn
- Certificate: netflixvpn

6. Finally, time to connect NetflixVPN
Let’s click on Connect button

7.When the status changes to “Connected” then it’s successfully connected..!

I’ve tried OpenVPN client for Mac but didn’t work by some reason. That’s why I used CISCO IPsec which is industry standard.
How to set up NetflixVPN on Android Smartphone
Next, let’s check out how to configure NetflxVPN on Android devices. It actually works quite well too.
Overview: For Android device, download a free software called “OpenVPNConnect” then you need to let it read, VPN Config file which you download from NetflixVPN.
- Download OpenVPNConnect
- Download NodeList(The target VPN Config file)
- Import Target VPN Config file to OpenVPNConnect
- Connect
1.Download Open VPN Connect from Google Play Storeand install.

2.Download VPN Config file from the NodeList
2−1Log on to NetflixVPN from your smartphone, then open dashboardDashboard
Click on “Node List” at the left bottom左下

2−2 From the node list Look for the target VPN Server which you want to connect to.
If you go right side of the screen you will see TPC and UDP buttons in green.
2−3 Download the target VPN Config files from by clicking green UDP button.
The below is an example for Japan Server.

For Japan Servers, there are 4 files in total.
Japan Server TCP/Japan Server UDP
Japan Server 2 TCP/Japan Server 2 UDP
For unblocking video steaming purpose, I’d recommend to use UDP because it’s suitable for video steaming.
2−4 Here is how I downloaded 4 files.

2−5 Import VPN Config file to OpenVPN
Launch OpenVPN App, then click on “+” at the very top right.
Then click on “Import”

2−6 Move to download folder and just tap one of the files.

2−7 Then will take you to Convert Config File screen、tap the tick button at the right corner.

2−8 Import rest of the files to OpenVPN.

2−9 Update userID and Password
Click on the Pencil Icon at right side.

Enter User Name & Password
Note: UserName and password are the same one the you have used when you signed up NetflixVPN

2-10 Connect to NetflixVPN VPN Server.
Okay. All ready now. Let’ connect to VPN Server.
Just tap on VPN Server name in the list.

Once you tap, you will immedatly see connection logs shows up on the screen.
Look at the very bottom carefully, if you see “Initialisation Sequence Completed” then now you are connected succsfully.

Go back to the previous screen then you should see “Connected:SUCCESS”

When you disconnect, tap on the server name then a menu will pop up, just click on “disconnect”.

You can actually watch Amazon Prime Video with your Smartphone. How cool is that?!

That’s all. Enjoy everyone..!

その1 「VPNに接続しているのを忘れるほど」快適、快速
その2 「赤ちゃんでも使える、ワンクリックVPN接続」
その3 「あなたも、今日からハッカーデビュー」使い切れないほど、セキュリティ機能が満載!ダブルVPNって誰が使うの?!
その99 日本向けのVPNのサーバが91台とダントツ多いから、しばらくは、ブロックされないだろう。